Brand Loyalty



Engaging the New Conscious Consumer

Following the pandemic, an increased reliance on shopping online has shifted purchasing habits. Consumers now have new factors to consider when it comes to brand loyalty.

What more can brands be doing to keep customers informed about sustainability and ethical initiatives to foster brand loyalty? 

PFS and LiveArea surveyed 2,500 consumers from the UK, Ireland and France about their current shopping habits and environmental and ethical expectations from online retailers and brands.

Get answers and explore the new ‘conscious consumer’ with PFS and LiveArea's research findings in our latest white paper.


58% of consumers feel greater loyalty towards online retailers and brands that have made a positive social impact during the pandemic.


PFS is the leading BPO provider for brand-centric omnichannel operations.

Drawing upon 20+ years of experience and innovation in both the DTC and B2B channels, we bring together technologies, systems and people to create exceptional customer experiences that drive revenue and maximise the impact of your brand.

Whatever your industry or target market, our team is ready to offer their recommendations as brand cultivation experts and develop a solution that scales perfectly with your long-term growth plan.

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